Renub Research Analysis Article

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Global Diabetic Food Market 2027年までに14.6億6000万米ドルに達すると予測されています

Renub Researchの最新レポート「糖尿病食品市場、規模、グローバル予測2022-2027、業界動向、シェア、成長、COVID–19の影響、機会企業分析」によると、糖尿病食品市場規模は5.82から2021-2027%のCAGRで成長 糖尿病性の食品は血の制御のブドウ糖のレベルで助けると同時に低い砂糖および炭水化物の内容を所有しています。 糖尿病はボディによって作り出されるインシュリンへの細胞の応答の不十分なインシュリンか不在からの高い血糖レベルによって信号を送ら


世界的には、糖尿病の罹患率の増加は、糖尿病食品市場を後押しする要因の1つです。 さらに、砂糖、アスパルテーム、アセスルファムカリウムの代替としてのneo-tameのような人工甘味料の使用の急増、および多くの健康リスクの意識の増加は、市場の成長に寄与する身体活動の欠如のために肥満および糖尿病を言う。 また、製品の広い範囲に対応するために企業による研究開発への投資の拡大、可処分所得のエスカレート、世界的に健康食品の需要の急増、世界中の消費者





適用によって、糖尿病性の食糧市場は菓子、アイスクリームおよびゼリー、食餌療法の飲料、焼かれたプロダクト、乳製品および他(軽食を含む)に更に区分され 食餌療法の飲料は無糖および低カロリーの飲料のための需要が高いために市場の一流の適用、である。 さらに、乳製品はチーズ、バター、アイスクリームおよび他の乳製品が糖尿病の患者のために安全であることを言います。 これらは、低または無糖であり、糖尿病患者が健康な体重を維持するのに役立ついくつかの他の必須栄養素を提供する。


地域によって、私達は北アメリカのような地域を、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、中東及びアフリカおよび南アメリカカバーしました。 さらに、北米は市場の成長を資本化しており、他のすべての地域の間で市場を支配するでしょう。 資本化の背後にある理由は、慢性疾患を有する患者の最大の人口プールであり、同時にこの地域における健康志向の人口のより重要な数である。 北米の患者はまた、他の地域と比較して一人当たりの収入が高いので、他の地域と比較して簡単に糖尿病食を買う余裕があります。


COVID-19パンデミックは、経済的および社会的システムのショック、食品システムの混乱、および不可欠な健康および栄養サービスの範囲のギャップを通 低所得国および中所得国では、COVID-19をきっかけに、食料システムが食料と栄養の安全保障を適応させ、強化しなければなりません。 このレポートでは、ユニリーバPLC、ネスレS.A.、ケロッグ社、ダノンS.A、コカ-コーラ社など、市場の主要プレーヤーをカバーしています。





  • アプリケーション-レポートは、菓子、アイスクリームやゼリー、食事飲料、焼き製品、乳製品、その他への適用によってカバー-スナック 
  • 配分–私達はスーパーマーケット/ハイパーマーケット、健康食品の店、ディスカウントストア、オンライン販売および他に流通経路によってカバーしました
  • 地域-私達は北アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、中東及びアフリカおよび南アメリカのような地域をカバーしました
  • 会社の分析-このレポートでカバーされている主なプレーヤーは、Unilever PLC、Nestle S.A.、Kellogg Company、Danone S.A、およびコカ-コーラカンパニーです


Renub Researchは市場調査およびコンサルティング会社です。 私達は国際的な企業間ビジネスで10年間以上の経験特に研究し、調査し、相談することを過します。 私たちは、より良いビジネス上の意思決定を行う上で企業を支援するビジネスリサーチソリューションの広い範囲を提供しています。 私たちは、すべてのセクターや地域のクライアントと提携して、最高の価値の機会を特定し、最も重要な課題に対処し、ビジネスを変革します。 私達の広い依頼人はヘルスケアの主要なプレーヤー、旅行および観光事業、食糧及び飲料、力及びエネルギー、情報技術、電気通信及びインターネット、化学薬品、兵站学及び自動車、消費財及び小売り、建物および構造、及び農業で構成します。 私たちのコアチームは、金融、マーケティング、人事、バイオ技術、医学、情報技術、環境科学、および多くの大学院、大学院、および博士号を保持している経験豊富な人々で構成されています。 私たちの研究は、戦略、組織、運用、技術、合併&買収などに関するビジネス上の意思決定を行うのに役立ちます。 私たちは、市場の広い範囲にわたって調査結果や視点を提供することにより、多くの優良企業をサポートしています。 当社の調査レポートは、今日の超競争の激しい市場で不可欠な情報洞察、分析、および予測のブレンドを提供します。

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Renub Research
Phone No: +1 678-302-0700 (USA) | +91–120–421–9822 (IND)
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China Dental Market 15.91から2021-2026%の二桁のCAGRで成長する

Renub Researchの最新レポートによると、「中国歯科市場、COVID-19の影響、業界動向、成長、機会企業の概要、販売分析、予測」と題された中国歯科市場は2026年までに177億米ドルに達 長い間、口腔疾患は中国全土で高い罹患率と発生率のために公衆衛生の主要な問題の一つであり、これは特に中低所得の人口に当てはまります。 National Oral Health Epidemiologicalによると、5歳の子供の31.9%と12歳の子供の40%が1日2回歯磨きをしています。 両科の43.2%が口腔疾患の予防、相談、検査のために歯科医を訪問しています。 最後に、成人の36.1%が一日二回歯を磨く;これらの変化は、中国の歯科市場に大きな影響を与えています。

可処分所得の上昇による生活水準の成長があるため、歯科サービスの必要性は中国の歯科市場の急成長につながった。 口腔衛生の重要性、すなわち口と歯をきれいにすること、そして虫歯、歯肉炎(歯茎の炎症)、口臭を止めることができるという認識を取り付けることは、 その上、ヘルスケアサービスの一人当たりの支出は改善して、中国の専門の歯科病院のための要求はかなり育っています。 統計によると、2021年には、中国の都市部には約535の歯科治療に特化した病院がありましたが、中国の農村部には154の歯科病院が残っていました。

口腔衛生に関する一般的な知識が向上し、上海、北京、広州で優れた成長の可能性を与えています。 従って、中国の異なった地域を渡って、歯科工業はヘルスケアの必要な面として組み込まれました。 このセグメントは、医師が最もアクセスしやすい方法でマルチサイトライセンスと無制限ライセンスを実現することを許可します。





セグメントに基づいて、中国の歯科産業は、予防歯科、歯科レーザー、インプラント(チタン/ジルコニウム)、Endonotics歯科、矯正歯科、他が含まれます。 予防歯科は、中国で良好な口腔の健康を維持するのに役立つ歯科医療です。 これは、フロスやブラッシングのような良い習慣を開発するとともに、定期的な歯科検診の化合物です。 この頃は、レーザーの歯科医療は中国で普及しています育っています。 歯周病と虫歯:レーザーが効率的に最も一般的な口腔疾患の二つを処理するために使用することができるからです。 多くの歯科医は、伝統的なツールやレーザー同等物のような施設でレーザーツールを持っています。

サブセグメント(歯科機器)には、放射線、レーザー、システム&部品、実験機、衛生維持装置、およびその他の機器が含まれています。 中国の歯科医療における放射線学システムの需要は、その特徴のために急増を目撃し続けている。 歯科用x線写真は、硬組織および軟組織の変化を歯科医に警告する。 レントゲン写真は歯科医が歯および顎骨がいかに育っているか見ることを可能にする。 放射線装置は下記のものを含んでいます:

  • Intraoral x線システム。
  • Extraoral x線システム。
  • 円錐形ビームコンピュータ断層撮影イメージ投射。
  • 口腔内プレートスキャナ。

さらに、歯科研究所は、主に中国の認可された歯科医による口腔ヘルスケアを提供する様々な製品の製造およびカスタマイズに従事しています。 これらの製品は、クラウン、ブリッジ、義歯で構成されています。 修復歯科における歯科実験室の主な役割は、認可された歯科医が中国で重要な解決策と定義する歯の機能的および審美的なパラメータのすべてをコ


COVID-19パンデミックは、中国の歯科業界に破壊的な影響を与えました。 ロックダウンの間に歯科医院は閉鎖された。 収入がないにもかかわらず、賃金と診療所のレンタルは毎月会計処理されなければならず、実質的な社会経済的影響を引き起こします。 歯科医師は緊急時にのみ歯科処置を行い、そうでなければ手術を延期した。 これは歯科bursおよびendodonticプロダクトのための要求を減らした。 また、中国でのロックダウンにより、歯科製品の製造活動が障害に直面しました。 さらに、原材料の不足やサプライチェーンの混乱がありました。





中国の歯科市場には、Sirona Dental Systems Foshan Co、Danaher、3M Co、Straumannなどの多数のプレーヤーがあり、その存在を維持することに焦点を当てています。 これらの会社は絶えず歯科装置プロダクトを開発し、足跡を確立するために中国を渡る彼らの流通経路を広げます。  例えば、2019年、DanaherはKavo Kerr、Nobel Biocare Systems、Ormcoの3つの事業会社で構成されるEnvista Holdingsを設立しました。

  • セグメント-セグメントでカバーされている私たちのレポート中国の歯科市場は、6つの視点(予防歯科、歯科レーザー、インプラント(チタン/ジルコニウム)、Endonotics歯科、矯正歯科、他)からカバーされています。
  • サブセグメント(歯科機器)-サブセグメント(歯科機器)の中国歯科市場でカバーされているこのレポートは、6つの視点(放射線、レーザー、システム&部品、実験機、衛生
  • 地域別調査レポート中国の歯科市場は、4つの視点(北京、上海、広州、その他)からカバーされています。
  • すべての主要なプレーヤーは3つの視点(概観、最近の開発および収入)からカバーされましたSironaの歯科システムフォーシャンCo、Danaher、3M CoおよびStraumann


Renub Researchは市場調査およびコンサルティング会社です。 私達は国際的な企業間ビジネスで10年間以上の経験特に研究し、調査し、相談することを過します。 私たちは、より良いビジネス上の意思決定を行う上で企業を支援するビジネスリサーチソリューションの広い範囲を提供しています。 私たちは、すべてのセクターや地域のクライアントと提携して、最高の価値の機会を特定し、最も重要な課題に対処し、ビジネスを変革します。 私達の広い依頼人はヘルスケアの主要なプレーヤー、旅行および観光事業、食糧及び飲料、力及びエネルギー、情報技術、電気通信及びインターネット、化学薬品、兵站学及び自動車、消費財及び小売り、建物および構造、及び農業で構成します。 私たちのコアチームは、金融、マーケティング、人事、バイオ技術、医学、情報技術、環境科学、および多くの大学院、大学院、および博士号を保持している経験豊富な人々で構成されています。 私たちの研究は、戦略、組織、運用、技術、合併&買収などに関するビジネス上の意思決定を行うのに役立ちます。 私たちは、市場の広い範囲にわたって調査結果や視点を提供することにより、多くの優良企業をサポートしています。 当社の調査レポートは、今日の超競争の激しい市場で不可欠な情報洞察、分析、および予測のブレンドを提供します。

Contact Us:
Renub Research
Phone No: +1 678-302-0700 (USA) | +91–120–421–9822 (IND)
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Follow on Twitter: @renubresearch

Global Chia Seed Market 2021年から2027年の間に30.77%の驚異的なCAGRで成長するでしょう

Renubの調査レポート「Chia seed Market Size Global Forecast2021-2027、業界動向、COVID-19の影響、機会企業分析」によると、世界のChia Seed市場規模は2027年までに55億米ドルに達する予定です。 またchiaと呼ばれるSalvia hispanicaは、種のために商業的に育ち、オメガ3の脂肪酸で豊富であるミント家族の植物である。 それとは別に、チアの種子は、抗酸化物質の壮大な供給源だけでなく、可溶性繊維を提供します。 さらに、チア種子の生産は、種子の開発を完了するために長期の生育期が必要であるため、熱帯および亜熱帯地域でのみ実現可能であった。 彼らは花に短い日を必要とし、典型的には種子が成熟する前に霜によって殺されます。


世界的に、Chiaはオメガ3脂肪酸の最も高い源の1つのために知られています。 世界的には、チアシードと種子製品の需要の急増は、油が大豆、キャノーラと亜麻よりもかなりの価値を持っていると言います。 オメガ3は、多くの健康上の利点のための偉大なソースを持っています,例えば、それは脳機能を改善します,心臓病のリスクが低下します,癌と、より多くの. 世界中で、健康食品およびnutraceutical企業は食餌療法の補足として未加工チアの種を現在販売している。




近年、世界的に急増する高齢化のために栄養補助食品企業は指数関数的に成長しており、それとは別に、消費者はオメガ3脂肪酸などの成分を有する機能性食品を要求しており、予防医学への関心とその使用が高まっています。 上記の理由により、この市場に牽引力を与え、現在の栄養動向で成長すると予想されます。 オメガ3脂肪酸食品の多くの健康上の利点に関する意識の高まりは、成長を推進しています。 また、チアはペットや家畜の飼料にも使用されています。 これについての詳細は、チアは、その小さな種子のサイズに適度に肥沃な、水はけの良い土壌を好む低メンテナンス作物であり、精密植栽は、良好な種子と土壌の接触を確保するために重要です。


チアシードの市場を世界的に推進する要因は、食品&飲料業界、ビーガンダイエット、有機&グルテンフリーのプロテインバー&天然食品成分や栄養補助食品のよ さらに、最も重要なのは、若い選手やプロスポーツ選手によって、例えば健康的な食事の好みのためのチア種子製品についての世界的な急増意識。


地域別には、北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、ラテンアメリカ、中東、アメリカ、米国、ドイツ、オランダなどのトップ輸入国、中国、カナダ、オランダなどのトップ輸出国をカバーしています。 米国では、多くの産業におけるチアシードの消費量は、予測期間にわたって増加すると予想されます。

その上、米国の心臓病の急増の発生は毎日の食事療法のオメガ3の包含の重要性を主張する。 疾病管理予防センターは、毎年、約659,000人の成人が心臓病で死亡していると述べています。 アメリカの中心連合(AHA)は心血管疾患を保つために毎日の食事療法のオメガ3の豊富な食糧そしてオイルを推薦した。 チアの種子は、米国での消費を推進しているオメガ3およびオメガ6脂肪酸の重要な供給源です。





世界的なCOVID-19パンデミックは、確かにチア種子産業に影響を与えている、世界中の産業に影響を与えています。 最も重要なのは、チアシード製品の生産、輸出、輸入は、ほとんどの国の間で期間中に妨げられたことです。 2020年のCovid-19の初期段階では、輸送制限が物流システムの混乱を引き起こしました。 これは、その年のチア種子市場の減少につながった世界中の商品の供給をヒットしています。 当社のアナリストは、市場がパンデミック後に回復し、予測期間中に成長すると予想しています。




Top Importing Country-このレポートでは、米国、ドイツ、オランダのようなトップチアシード輸入国をカバーしています


会社:次の会社はこのレポートのGlanbia PLC、Spectrum Organic Products LLC、Bayer AG、KWS SAAT SEおよびCo.でカバーします。 KGaA、およびタイソンフーズ


Renub Researchは市場調査およびコンサルティング会社です。 私達は国際的な企業間ビジネスで10年間以上の経験特に研究し、調査し、相談することを過します。 私たちは、より良いビジネス上の意思決定を行う上で企業を支援するビジネスリサーチソリューションの広い範囲を提供しています。 私たちは、すべてのセクターや地域のクライアントと提携して、最高の価値の機会を特定し、最も重要な課題に対処し、ビジネスを変革します。 私達の広い依頼人はヘルスケアの主要なプレーヤー、旅行および観光事業、食糧及び飲料、力及びエネルギー、情報技術、電気通信及びインターネット、化学薬品、兵站学及び自動車、消費財及び小売り、建物および構造、及び農業で構成します。 私たちのコアチームは、金融、マーケティング、人事、バイオ技術、医学、情報技術、環境科学、および多くの大学院、大学院、および博士号を保持している経験豊富な人々で構成されています。 私たちの研究は、戦略、組織、運用、技術、合併&買収などに関するビジネス上の意思決定を行うのに役立ちます。 私たちは、市場の広い範囲にわたって調査結果や視点を提供することにより、多くの優良企業をサポートしています。 当社の調査レポートは、今日の超競争の激しい市場で不可欠な情報洞察、分析、および予測のブレンドを提供します。

Contact Us:
Renub Research
Phone No: +1 678-302-0700 (USA) | +91–120–421–9822 (IND)
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Global Ultrasound Device Market to reach US$ 9.5 Billion by 2027

According to the latest report by Renub Research titled, "Ultrasound Device Market Size, Global Forecast 2021-2027, Industry Trends, Growth, Impact of COVID-19, Opportunity Company Analysis” Ultrasound Device Market Size was US$ 7.2 Billion in 2021. The ultrasound devices are devices that take images of the inside of the body using high-frequency sound waves. Wherein, the ultrasound device uses the technique of ultrasonic imaging technique. Furthermore, ultrasound devices create real-time images of the body component, which displays the body's movement. Besides, the ultrasound devices also consist of a transducer, ultrasound detector, or probe. This diagnostic technique is minimally intrusive and does not use ionizing radiation to diagnose or treat body ailments.

Worldwide Ultrasound Devices Industry is expected to grow with a CAGR of 4.76% from 2021-2027

Across the world, diagnostic ultrasound system continues to be amongst the highest revenue-generating healthcare segment throughout the forecast period. In addition, the demand for ultrasound devices has increased because of government initiatives to raise awareness about the importance of early diagnosis. Also, government funding in emerging markets is expected to provide new opportunities in the market during the analysis period.

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Diagnostic Ultrasound Systems Is Primarily Dominant Segment:

Further, with the use of ultrasound devices and the introduction of improved technologically advanced ultrasound devices, the demand for ultrasound devices has increased compared to the previous year. The diagnostic ultrasound systems segment is primarily dominant due to the increase in ultrasound practices, the rise in the majority of chronic conditions, and technological advancements worldwide. Additionally, an increase in the incidence of various disorders such as cardiovascular diseases and respiratory and abdominal disorders makes the therapeutic ultrasound systems to be the most dominant.

Color Ultrasound Devices Segment Dominates the Market:

The ultrasound devices market is segmented into Color Ultrasound Devices and Black & White (B/W) Ultrasound Devices by display type. Throughout the studied period, the color ultrasound devices segment dominated the market as most available systems have acceptable image quality with a color flat-screen monitor irrespective of the features. For instance, devices with the characteristics of auto image optimization, auto color & doppler need a color display and cannot function through a black and white display.

Radiology/General Imaging Account for The Largest Market Share:

The ultrasound market is segmented into cardiology/obstetrics, musculoskeletal, radiology, critical care, and others based on application. The radiology/general imaging applications command the largest share of the ultrasound device market. Factors such as the rising incidence of diverse cancers across noteworthy countries, technological advancements in the field of ultrasound-based diagnosis and treatment, growing market availability and physician preference for HIFU in cancer treatment, increasing usage of ultrasound in cancer diagnosis and tissue biopsy, and the rising adoption of focused ultrasound in disease therapies are driving the growth of the radiology/general imaging segment.

Regional Realms: Asia-Pacific is the Fastest Growing Ultrasound Region

Geographically, Asia-Pacific is projected to be the fastest-growing region. The upgrading of healthcare infrastructure and healthcare expenditures in the emerging markets (such as India and China) to overpower the unmet medical needs in these countries mainly stimulates the regional market of Asia-Pacific. In addition, technological advancements for cost-effective devices in these nations offer a lucrative opportunity for the growth of the ultrasound devices market.

Further, the growth in the European ultrasound market is attributed to the increased adoption of ultrasound for diagnosis, increased procedure volumes resulting from the rapidly aging population, and increased prevalence of chronic diseases. However, regulatory framework concerns and the scarcity of experienced and skilled sonographers in diverse countries in Europe are anticipated to hinder the market growth. In addition, the growing acceleration of HIFU in European countries for the remedy of prostate cancer is further positioned to drive the ultrasound market.

Key Industry Players:

The key players in the ultrasound market favorably concentrate on expanding their business functions in the fast-growing emerging countries and the latest product launches as a preferred approach. The companies profiled in this report include GE Healthcare, Siemens Healthcare, and Philips - Healthcare Sales, Hologic, Inc. Notwithstanding, portable technological devices are praised globally, and these key companies have a wide presence across the developed and emerging markets.

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Impact of COVID-19 on the Global Ultrasound Devices Market:

Coronavirus disease has had an incredible impact on the world and has altered the ultrasound device industry. The pandemic has had a complex and exceptional effect on the ultrasound market. Nonetheless, after the reopening of the market post-pandemic, the healthcare providers are employing ultrasound systems, primarily designed for point-of-care (POC) applications, for the triage, monitoring, and diagnosis of patients worldwide, boosting the market of ultrasound devices.

Market Summary:

  • Product Type: We have studied Diagnostics Ultrasound Systems and Therapeutic Ultrasound Systems as product type in Global Ultrasound Devices Market.
  • Display Type: We have covered Color Ultrasound Devices, Black & White (B/W) Ultrasound Device in our report.
  • Application: In our reported we have studied the applications of ultrasound devices in Cardiology/Obstetrics, Musculoskeletal, Radiology, Critical Care and others.
  • Regions: We have covered the regional market of North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa.
  • Company Analysis: The key players of Global Ultrasound Devices Market are GE Healthcare, Siemens Healthcare, Philips - Healthcare Sales, Hologic, Inc.

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Renub Research is a Market Research and Consulting Company. We have more than 10 years of experience especially in international Business-to-Business Researches, Surveys and Consulting. We provide a wide range of business research solutions that helps companies in making better business decisions. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses. Our wide clientele comprises major players in Healthcare, Travel and Tourism, Food & Beverages, Power & Energy, Information Technology, Telecom & Internet, Chemical, Logistics & Automotive, Consumer Goods & Retail, Building, and Construction, & Agriculture. Our core team is comprised of experienced people holding graduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. degrees in Finance, Marketing, Human Resource, Bio-Technology, Medicine, Information Technology, Environmental Science, and many more. Our research helps to make business decisions: on strategy, organization, operations, technology, mergers & acquisitions etc. We support many blue chip companies by providing them with findings and perspectives across a wide range of markets. Our research reports offer a blend of information insight, analysis, and forecasting that is essential in today's ultra-competitive markets.

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United States Endoscopy Devices Market to Grow with a CAGR of 7.19% from 2022-2027

According to the latest report by Renub Research, “United States Endoscopy Devices Market, Size, Forecast 2022-2027, Industry Trends, Impact of COVID-19, Opportunity Company Analysis” the United States Endoscopy Devices Market Size is projected to reach US$ 27.9 Billion by 2027. Endoscopy devices are thin and long tubes inserted inside the body via mouth or incision to examine the interior of the bladder, stomach, ears, nose, esophagus, colon, throat, heart, joints, urinary tract, and abdomen. These tubes have a light source attached and a camera, which help healthcare professionals to perform laparoscopic and biopsies and arthroscopy surgeries. They are available in various lengths and flexibilities depending on diagnostic organs.

United States Endoscopy Devices Market Size was US$ 18.8 Billion in 2021

The change in the trend of adoption from traditional open surgeries to minimally invasive techniques by healthcare professionals and patients is one of the primary factors growing the endoscopy devices market in the United States. Other factors promoting growth include the rising prevalence of chronic conditions, the increasing geriatric population, and technological advancements in endoscopy devices.

Moreover, the increasing number of neurological disorders and the rising adoption of minimally invasive surgeries attributed to the United States endoscopic devices market growth. As per ONP hospitals statistics, the United States contributes to 32% of the number, i.e., around 4,800,000 laparoscopic procedures are performed every year. This implies that endoscopic procedures are performed widely in the country.

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Endoscopy Visualization Components product dominates the United States Endoscopy Devices Market

Depending on the product, the global endoscopy devices market is divided into Operative Devices, Endoscopy Visualization Components, Endoscopy Visualization Systems, and Endoscopes. The endoscopy visualization components register a significant dominance in the United States endoscopy devices industry. This is attributable to benefits provided by high-definition visualization systems for treating and diagnosing complex health conditions such as cancer, urinary disorders, GI disorders, and lung disorders and increasing preference of healthcare professionals towards utilizing endoscopy visualization systems for better diagnosis and treatment.

In United States G.I. Tumors accounts for the Second Highest Cause of cancer-related Deaths

In the United States, endoscopy sub-products like robot-assisted endoscopes, capsule endoscopes, and rigid endoscopes are widely used in various medical specialties applications, such as gastroenterology, urology, gynecology, pulmonology ENT, and others. The increasing burden of G.I. disorders, coupled with the growing geriatric population, is propelling the demand for Gastroenterology Endoscopy. G.I. tumors are the second most extensive cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. Thus, an upsurge in endoscopic procedures for the early diagnosis of G.I. cancers offers considerable revenue opportunities.

Bariatric Surgery Drives the Capsule Endoscopy Market Growth

Although, sub-product Capsule endoscopy is widely used to detect minor bowel damage, Crohn’s disease, obscure intestinal bleeding, etc., in the United States. Capsule endoscopy has significant benefits for patients with small bowel disease for whom the proper diagnosis is not available. In addition, the capsule endoscope is on-demand due to its cost-effectiveness. Moreover, many surgical procedures using endoscopic procedures such as bariatric surgery boost the Capsule endoscopy market growth in the United States.

Besides, the market comprises both hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers/clinics by end-users. Nevertheless, in the United States, hospitals have emerged as the most primary health system. Thus, the number of endoscopic surgeries done at hospitals is relatively more than the other health systems, such as specialty clinics or Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs).

COVID- 19 Impact on the United States Endoscopy Devices Industry:

COVID-19 is an incomparable global public health emergency that has affected the United States in almost every industry, including the endoscopy device industry. The primary cause for the decline in endoscopy procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic was decreased patient volume in hospitals due to delaying guidelines for safety reasons and rescheduling. Moreover, these delays happened after careful review of patient history, and healthcare providers rescheduled endoscopic procedures to minimize the chance of exposure to COVID-19 during hospital visits.

Competitive Landscape:

The United States endoscopy devices industry is highly competitive, and prominent players have adopted various strategies to increase their endoscopy devices market share. These include product launch, product development, product approval, and acquisition. Major US endoscopy devices market players include Boston Scientific Corporation, Medtronic Plc, Johnson and Johnson, Stryker, and Conmed.

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Market Summary:

  • Product – We have covered United States Endoscopy Device Market breakup by 4 viewpoints by-product (Operative Devices, Endoscopy Visualization Components, Endoscopy Visualization Systems and Endoscopes)
  • Sub-Product – Renub Research Report covers by Sub-Product in the 5 viewpoints (Rigid Endoscopes, Robot Assisted Endoscopes, Disposable Endoscopes, Capsule Endoscopes and Flexible Endoscopes)
  • Application – Our Report has covered United States Endoscopy Device Market breakup by 6 Application (Gastroenterology, ENT Surgery, Gynecology, Neurology, Urology and Other Applications)
  • End Users – This Report covers by End Users in the 3 viewpoints (Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgery Centers/Clinics and Other End Uses)
  • All the major players have been covered from 3 Viewpoints (Overview, Recent Development, and Revenue Analysis) Boston Scientific Corporation, Medtronic Plc, Johnson and Johnson, Stryker and Conmed.

About the Company:

Renub Research is a Market Research and Consulting Company. We have more than 10 years of experience especially in international Business-to-Business Researches, Surveys and Consulting. We provide a wide range of business research solutions that helps companies in making better business decisions. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses. Our wide clientele comprises major players in Healthcare, Travel and Tourism, Food & Beverages, Power & Energy, Information Technology, Telecom & Internet, Chemical, Logistics & Automotive, Consumer Goods & Retail, Building, and Construction, & Agriculture. Our core team is comprised of experienced people holding graduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. degrees in Finance, Marketing, Human Resource, Bio-Technology, Medicine, Information Technology, Environmental Science, and many more. Our research helps to make business decisions: on strategy, organization, operations, technology, mergers & acquisitions etc. We support many blue chip companies by providing them with findings and perspectives across a wide range of markets. Our research reports offer a blend of information insight, analysis, and forecasting that is essential in today's ultra-competitive markets.

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Europe Ice Cream Market to reach US$ 28.4 Billion by 2027

According to Renub Research report titled “Europe Ice Cream Market Forecast 2021-2027, Industry Trends, Growth, Impact of COVID-19, Opportunity Company Analysis” the Europe Ice Cream Market Size was US$ 21.7 Billion by 2021.  Ice-creams and frozen desserts are frozen foods traditionally eaten as snacks and desserts worldwide. Ice-creams are usually prepared from dairy products, say cream and milk. Flavors, colors, sweeteners, stabilizers, preservatives, and emulsifiers are added to enhance these products' taste and shelf-life. Around the world, diverse cultures have different varieties of ice creams and frozen desserts popular in their countries. For instance, Italian people want Gelato after dinner or lunch.

Factors Driving the Europe Ice Cream Industry

In the European region, demands for ice-creams that are made using natural ingredients, low on fats, and at the same time don't compromise on taste and indulgence is surging. European countries like Germany and Italy, UK are the biggest ice-cream markets. Over the time, indulgence and the growing consumer preference for ice cream as a leisure product drove the market's growth, and new innovative flavors, offered by companies, further act as a catalyst for demand generation.

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Besides, consumer demand for naturally flavored, rising health concerns, and sweetened ice-creams and handcrafted ice-creams is growing. Apart from that, product innovation in ice cream, economic growth, retail market expansion and growth in disposable income are projected to have high impact on ice cream market and market share in the European region.

European Ice Cream Market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 4.59% during 2021-2027

The development of retail channels contributes to the growth of the ice cream market. Further, retail channels such as hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores, and others act as marketing tools that assist in building an impressive premium image and increase brand exposure of a wide variety of ice cream products. The company’s product innovation is also diversifying the offerings and assists in meeting varying consumer demands. While economic growth is also helping to continue to increase customers' spending power. Also, increasing demand for innovative products and the development of lactose-free ice cream provides growth opportunities for the ice cream market extension. However factors like health concerns associated with ice creams may hinder the growth a bit.

COVID Impact on Europe Ice Cream Industry

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the European ice-cream market exhibited sluggish growth due to the economic slowdown and supply chain disruptions over the period. Further, market revenues continue to be impacted by growing health issues concerning lifestyle diseases and the pandemic. Also, European people were avoiding ice cream as they felt it made them susceptible to COVID-19. Moreover, we expect post-pandemic recovery and growth in the ice cream industry in the region.

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Market Summary:

  • Product Type: The market has segmented into Artisanal, Impulse and Takes home
  • Ingredients: The report covers by Ingredients like Whole Milk, Skim Milk, Cream, Sweetening & Flavoring Agent, Other (Egg Yolk, Stabilizers, and Emulsifiers)
  • Category: We have studied the market by Category into Choc Snacks, Premium Ice-Cream, Luxury Ice Cream, Filled Cones, Children's, Standard Ice-Cream, Adult Refresh, and Daily Ice Cream Desserts, and Individual Ice-Cream
  • Application: This segment is divided into Commercial and Residential
  • Distribution Channels:  Market is categorized into On Tread, Hypermarket & Supermarket, Food & Drink Specialists, Convenience Stores and Others
  • Producing country:  The markets of producing countries in the Europe are Germany, Italy, Spain, France and the United Kingdom
  • Company:  We have studied the Overviews, recent developments and sales analysis of following companies General Mills Inc., Nestle S.A., Unilever, Baskin Robbins, and Lotus Bakeries

About the Company:

Renub Research is a Market Research and Consulting Company. We have more than 10 years of experience especially in international Business-to-Business Researches, Surveys and Consulting. We provide a wide range of business research solutions that helps companies in making better business decisions. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses. Our wide clientele comprises major players in Healthcare, Travel and Tourism, Food & Beverages, Power & Energy, Information Technology, Telecom & Internet, Chemical, Logistics & Automotive, Consumer Goods & Retail, Building, and Construction, & Agriculture. Our core team is comprised of experienced people holding graduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. degrees in Finance, Marketing, Human Resource, Bio-Technology, Medicine, Information Technology, Environmental Science, and many more. Our research helps to make business decisions: on strategy, organization, operations, technology, mergers & acquisitions etc. We support many blue chip companies by providing them with findings and perspectives across a wide range of markets. Our research reports offer a blend of information insight, analysis, and forecasting that is essential in today's ultra-competitive markets.

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Renub Research

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Global Defibrillators Market will be US$ 18.01 Billion by 2027

The latest report by Renub Researh, titled “Defibrillators Market Size, Share, Global Forecast 2021-2027, Industry Trends, Growth, Impact of COVID-19, Opportunity Company Analysis”  the Global Defibrillators Market Size was valued at US$ 12.87 Billion in 2021. The World Health Organization states that cardiovascular deaths are the most common cause of all registered deaths worldwide. In addition, economic development rates and industrialization have significantly added to the number of deaths due to sudden cardiac arrest. Further, sudden cardiac arrests are accompanied by immediate resuscitation, a combination of chest compressions, and assisted ventilation. Hence, defibrillation is an effective treatment option accepted globally to treat cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation. A defibrillator incorporates the concept of defibrillation, which is an electronic device, which is prominently used to treat arrhythmia and sudden cardiac arrest.

Worldwide Defibrillators Industry will grow at a CAGR of 5.76% during 2021-2027

SCA is a sudden and unanticipated pulseless situation caused by the cessation of cardiac mechanical activity. SCA is a foremost cause of death among adults, usually above the age of 40. SCA is one of the prominent driving factors for evolving the defibrillators industry. Moreover, the rising incidence of atherosclerosis, diabetes, strokes, hypertension, and others due to lifestyle habits such as unhealthy dietary habits, lack of physical activity, and smoking, among others, is the ultimate cause of CHF. Moreover, the rising geriatric population base is anticipated to fuel CHF prevalence, increasing defibrillator market growth.

External Defibrillator Is Expected to Grow at A Great Pace During The Forecast Period:

By Product type, we have categorized the global defibrillator market into the Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator and External Defibrillator market. The demand for External Defibrillator will grow significantly during the forecast period. External defibrillators are life-saving devices that deliver a defibrillating shock to diagnose and restore heart rhythms in an unexpected cardiac arrest. Apart from that, the market of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator will also flourish during 2021-2027.

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AED Is the Most Preferred External Defibrillation System:

External defibrillators are life-saving medical devices used to deliver defibrillating shock through paddles or electrode pads to diagnose and restore life-threatening abnormal heart rhythms in the conditions of unexpected cardiac arrest. These devices can perform cardioversion, defibrillation, and pacing of the heart. External defibrillators are of three major types: manual external defibrillators, AEDs and WCDs. AEDs are used in most cases among SCA patients due to abundant opportunities observed and ease in use, thereby bagging a significant market share in the global defibrillators market.

The North American Region Hold Considerable Share:

We have studied the regional realms of the global defibrillators industry in North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East and Africa region. Higher Adoption of Defibrillator Installations and Implants Enables Market to Hold Considerable Share in North America. North America is envisioned to dominate the market throughout the forecast period. Growing installations of external defibrillators in hospitals and public places such as schools, hotels, streets, railway stations, and others to prevent fatalities from sudden cardiac arrest are prominently responsible for holding a higher defibrillator market share in North America.

Moreover, the incremental shift of preference towards subcutaneous ICD due to growing patient awareness is projected to augment the growth of ICD in North America. Europe is anticipated to be the second most prominent region in terms of market share by 2027. In addition, the market is rising at a faster pace in emerging countries of the Asia Pacific region, owing to increasing adoption and rapidly developing healthcare infrastructure.

Key Market Players:

Medtronic, Boston Scientific Corporation, Philips Healthcare, Nihon Kohden Corporation, and Asahi Kasei Corporation are amongst a leading player in the defibrillator market owing to their diverse product offering in the implantable defibrillator segment, efficient customer reach, and vital after-sales service. Our report also covers operate in the defibrillator industry.

For instance, in April 2020 – Philips, a health technology company, announced that it's Emergency Care and Resuscitation (ECR) business is recommencing the manufacturing and shipping of external defibrillators for the US. The company declared that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had lifted the limitations imposed on the manufacturing and allocation of defibrillators in the US.

COVID-19 Impact on Global Defibrillators Market:

All over the world, COVID-19 is known to affect the cardiovascular system, resulting in myocardial injury, arrhythmias, intravascular thrombosis, and sudden cardiac death. Further, initial reports have also recommended a temporary association between COVID-19 activity and cardiac arrests in the community and in hospital settings. Remarkably, life-threatening arrhythmias have been variably reported among patients hospitalized for COVID-19 infection. Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) in COVID-19 patients is an alarming concern for clinicians. Hence, defibrillator shock episodes have risen during the higher COVID-19 activity boosting the market for Global Defibrillators Market.

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Market Summary:

  • Product Type: We have covered Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator and External Defibrillator.
  • Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator: We have studied Transvenous Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (T-ICDs), Subcutaneous Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (S-ICDs) and others in our report.
  • Transvenous Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: We have covered Single-Chamber Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators, Dual-Chamber Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators, Biventricular Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators /Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Defibrillators (CRT-Ds)
  • External Defibrillator: In our report we have studied Automated External Defibrillators, Advanced Life Support Defibrillators, Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillators
  • End Users: Hospital, Prehospital, Public Access Market, Alternate Care Market, Home Healthcare are the end users in the market.
  • Regions: We have studied the regional realms such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa
  • Company: The key players studied in our report include Medtronic Plc, Boston Scientific Corporation, Philips Healthcare, Nihon Kohden Corporation, Asahi Kasei Corporation.

About the Company:

Renub Research is a Market Research and Consulting Company. We have more than 10 years of experience especially in international Business-to-Business Researches, Surveys and Consulting. We provide a wide range of business research solutions that helps companies in making better business decisions. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses. Our wide clientele comprises major players in Healthcare, Travel and Tourism, Food & Beverages, Power & Energy, Information Technology, Telecom & Internet, Chemical, Logistics & Automotive, Consumer Goods & Retail, Building, and Construction, & Agriculture. Our core team is comprised of experienced people holding graduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. degrees in Finance, Marketing, Human Resource, Bio-Technology, Medicine, Information Technology, Environmental Science, and many more. Our research helps to make business decisions: on strategy, organization, operations, technology, mergers & acquisitions etc. We support many blue chip companies by providing them with findings and perspectives across a wide range of markets. Our research reports offer a blend of information insight, analysis, and forecasting that is essential in today's ultra-competitive markets.

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Renub Research

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